Brand Guidelines


J-Tech logo
J-Tech Institute: A Nonprofit Institution


CMYK: 100/86/28/114
RGB: 17/58/114
Pantone 654C

CMYK: 46/0/99/0
RGB: 151/201/60
Pantone 375C

Bright Blue
CMYK: 72/13/5/0
RGB: 27/172/219

Dark Blue
CMYK: 81/69/60/75
RGB: 18/27/33

CMYK: 1/80/96/0
RGB: 239/89/39

CMYK: 57/49/48/16
RGB: 110/110/110


Barlow Condensed Family

All body copy should be in Barlow Condensed Italic. Size is 20 pixels.

All H1 headline copy for the inside pages should be 112 pixels at 600 weight. On mobile, H1 headlines should be 58 pixels.

All H2 headline copy should be 48 pixels at 500 weight (excluding the contents within the span tags). On mobile, H2 headlines should be 32 pixels.

All H3 headline copy should be 36 pixels at 400 weight. On mobile. H3 headlines should be 30 pixels.

All H4 headline copy should be 26 pixels at 600 weight. On mobile, H4 headlines should be 24 pixels.

This is an H1

This is an H2

This is an H3

This is an H4


In order to create the characteristic slant displayed on these buttons, custom CSS has been added. Please duplicate buttons, or copy and paste the custom CSS from the Advanced Tab.


This is just a suggested, Elementor-designed example of a form. 

This Is a
CTA Strip

This Is Another

This is a subheading

Nam justo neque, pretium non facilisis eget, pellentesque quis nisl. In id porta purus. Suspendisse feugiat libero lectus. Nam ut elementum ante. Ut tristique vehicula nulla, et pharetra lectus vestibulum vel. Pellentesque a sollicitudin dolor, molestie posuere velit. 

Icon 1

Duis non mauris convallis, mattis mi sed, hendrerit eros. Mauris molestie, nisi eget dictum aliquet, orci lacus gravida erat, eget sodales tortor felis quis sem.

Icon 2

Nulla malesuada vitae elit ac iaculis. Etiam vulputate augue dolor, eget malesuada tortor condimentum ac. Integer vestibulum vestibulum pellentesque. 

Icon 3

Mauris sed est vitae ex tincidunt dapibus. Integer lobortis porttitor dui sollicitudin pharetra. Donec et eros tortor. Aliquam ut velit vitae lorem vulputate scelerisque sed in ligula.

Two Columns,
Twice the Fun

Morbi imperdiet egestas dui, nec hendrerit erat ornare sed. Vestibulum convallis mollis orci, eu mollis nulla dapibus a. Nulla nec dui tincidunt, convallis dolor pulvinar, pharetra libero. Aenean dignissim non elit at mollis. Maecenas diam massa, accumsan eget accumsan non, semper nec mi. Cras eleifend ex elit, non consequat nunc sollicitudin a. Suspendisse massa ligula, tincidunt quis enim et, ornare vestibulum metus. Phasellus vitae tortor at orci congue tristique. Ut varius eget est ac lobortis. Pellentesque sit amet urna vitae ante vulputate tristique.

Nam elementum ultrices felis, in feugiat tellus mollis quis. Sed ut condimentum ligula, sit amet vehicula sem. Aliquam gravida nibh in posuere scelerisque. Pellentesque non ligula in arcu fringilla elementum. Maecenas sodales posuere est et commodo. Nulla vehicula ante tincidunt, molestie erat et, vulputate metus. Sed ultrices ullamcorper neque.

Photo of Danielle Wampler standing in the J-Tech lab.

This Is Yet Another

Simple, bolded content in this section. Like a CTA, with more stuff.

This Is a
Small Image Carousel

This Is a
Large Image Carousel

This Is a
CTA List

Nam justo neque, pretium non facilisis eget, pellentesque quis nisl. In id porta purus. Suspendisse feugiat libero lectus. Nam ut elementum ante. Ut tristique vehicula nulla, et pharetra lectus vestibulum vel. Pellentesque a sollicitudin dolor, molestie posuere velit. 

NOTE: This is for disclaimers, footnotes, and other stupid info.

This Section Has a
Tabs Widget

If a block of copy is too tall in one of the tabs, remove the custom CSS in the Advanced Tab. The copy will fall off the screen on mobile. You may also need to remove the styling on the text to ensure it appears italicized.

A J-Tech student working hands-on in the HVAC-R lab.

NOTE: Students can contact their Financial Aid Officer or go to to learn more about student financial assistance.

Black muscle car


2-Column Section with

J-Tech students working in the Automotive Technology lab with their 300+ tool sets.
Play Video about J-Tech students working in the Automotive Technology lab with their 300+ tool sets.