J-Tech is a trade school. We teach you real skills that will help you jump into a trades career and be comfortable on day one.
Go hunting or fishing or whatever you like to do.
Maybe help fix a broken toilet or blender, or replace the hardware on a cabinet.
CTE means “Career Technical Education.” These vocational training programs often include things like internships or job shadowing to teach essential career skills.
Check out how to fix components on cars, or how to maintain your family’s AC unit.
Also known as Vocational Industrial Clubs of America (VICA). Learn more at skillsusa.org.
Getting started at an automotive shop or home improvement store is a great way to make connections and help your growing career.
Working on your own car is as challenging as it is satisfying.
You could also attend the local car shows.
You can even shadow a class to see if J-Tech is right for you.
Ask your CTE teachers for more information on how to start becoming a part of the Trades Revolution!
Or, reach out to us and tell us what you’d like to learn more about! Call or text Jeff Harris at (386) 235-1428.