The US Military is a complex animal. Entrusted with the daunting task of keeping the nation safe at home and across the globe, the military universe is made up of men and women trained in a vast array of specialized fields. And while each member of the armed forces enters the military in a specific “billet” or specialty, training for military personnel is not limited to that specialty. Whether you work as a military cook, police officer, medical corpsman, mechanic or any one of a great many other fields the military requires, you will be trained physically and mentally in a variety of ways designed to create a successful unified team. So when military personnel conclude their service, they come away with skills and qualities that employers in the civilian world seek out to build their own successful team. But it’s a competitive marketplace regardless of your chosen field and sometimes, military personnel need to broaden their education to incorporate a wider range of applicable skills than they may have acquired while serving.
Take the automotive or diesel mechanic for example. Service members trained to work on military equipment, vehicles, marine equipment, electronic devices and more, are highly-trained in those specific areas. But if you are about to rejoin the civilian world, the last thing you want is a gap in your education and experience that could make the transition more difficult.
Fortunately, for the military mechanic or military personnel in general, military service typically includes education benefits that can help you get the additional training you need to launch a successful career as an automotive or diesel technician. J-Tech Institute’s Automotive and Diesel Technician Program offers military personnel the hands-on training and support they need to pick up where their automotive or diesel technician training left off while serving.
But you don’t need prior experience in the automotive and diesel technology world to start a career in the automotive/diesel industry. J-Tech’s programs are just as comprehensive for the service member who’s training was in a different field, but simply wants to start fresh and has a love for technology and mechanics. So if you love engines and cars and just making things work, it’s a career path worth exploring! Because of our highly mobile and fast-paced world, it is a field that will always need talented and dedicated technicians, making it an attractive option.
The transition from military life can be exciting and terrifying all at the same time. But as a veteran, you’ve got what it takes to make the next chapter of your life even better than the last. At J-Tech Institute, we’re incredibly proud of our military and veteran students. And we’re going to be there to support you through this next journey, just like you were there to support our nation with your service. You’ll receive the individual attention of experienced instructors and when you complete the program, we’ll still be there with a network of industry contacts to help you find just the right place to start your automotive or diesel technician career. Get started now so you are ready to roll when the time is right for you. Call J-Tech today and schedule a consultation with our admissions staff. Hall of fame hockey great, Wayne Gretsky said it best when he said, Opportunity – you always miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Let J-Tech help you take your shot!